This will help in your exam
1. WAP to display the following series using FOR...NEXT. 10
a. 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,16,14,1
b. 1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100,81
2. WAP to display the following usign WHILE......WEND and DO.....LOOP. 20
a. b. c. d.
1 * 12345 COLOR
22 ** 1234 COLO
333 *** 123 COL
4444 **** 12 CO
55555 ***** 1 C
3. WAP to display the multiplication table of 7 up to 20 terms. 5
4. Create a folder in G drive having your own name. 1
5. Make a file 'computer.txt' into the folder just before you created. 1
6. Write the contents "I love Computer Very Much." into the file 1
7. Delete the file 'Computer.txt'. 1
8. Delete the folder that you created. 1
9. WAP to ask to input any word and display in reverse order. 5
10. WAP to ask to input a sentence and count the numbers of vowel letters. 5
I will also add the solutions later and some are I already posted.
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